
Is it time to ditch your agency?

In an age where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping the landscape of digital marketing, many might question the relevance of marketing agencies.

4 minute read

24th April 2024

AI vs Agencies - is it really them or us?

The Infant Prodigy

In an age where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping the landscape of digital marketing, many might question the relevance of marketing agencies.

However (spoiler alert and potentially unsurprisingly), at bbd we believe the role of agencies is more vital than ever.

But, a word of caution: if agencies are investing in AI solely for themselves and not for their clients, their time could soon be up!

The Intelligent Infant: Our Perspective on AI

We often hear about AI's remarkable capabilities: its vast knowledge, infinite capacity, and lightning speed. Yet, AI is akin to an incredibly intelligent infant. 

This prodigy is brimming with potential but lacks the intuitive grasp of context and human insight. At bbd, we see AI as more than a tool; it's a burgeoning entity that needs direction. 

In a world awash with data and automated solutions, our role is to navigate through these possibilities, steering AI to aid in the ideation and creation of strategies and campaigns that resonate with human emotions and behaviours. 

It's about merging the power of AI with a deep understanding of human psychology.

Creative Mastery: Beyond Mere Operation of Tools

Owning Photoshop doesn't make someone a skilled designer, just as having AI technology doesn’t automatically guarantee marketing success, particularly in complex fields. 

At bbd, we're not just using AI; we're cultivating skills to master AI at the prompt level.

Bridging the Gap: AI Literacy and Adoption

You might think that younger generations, like Gen Z, are quicker to adopt new technologies. However, true mastery of AI in marketing goes beyond being tech-savvy. 

This is why we're developing "Prompt Engineers." These professionals know how to ask the right questions, guiding AI to provide relevant and transformative insights.

We're also leading the charge in educating and collaborating with our clients to help them understand and adopt AI. This approach ensures they're not merely recipients of AI-driven strategies but active participants in their creation.

Forward Focus: AI in Compliance-Driven Industries

Our clients are eager to use AI in areas like personalised customer experiences, predictive analytics, and content creation within the bounds of strict industry regulations. 

With our extensive experience, we're not just crafting marketing strategies; we're pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in these specialised sectors.

Conclusion: The Harmony of AI and Expertise in Complex Sectors

To sum up, the advent of AI highlights the crucial role of experienced agencies in embracing this paradigm shift. 

At bbd, we view AI as an intelligent infant with immense potential, best realised under expert guidance. In the short term, we're committed to harnessing this potential and sharing our expertise with our clients.

In the long run... Well, I’m personally excited to meet our AI overlord!

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  • Discuss your goals and challenges
  • Get a fresh perspective on your marketing
  • Identify where you can increase marketing performance and ROI

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